Author Guidelines
The Agrimas community service journal is the output of the dissemination of community service and empowerment activities in the agricultural sector as well as being a benchmark for the results of community service activities that have been carried out. The Journal of Agrimas is written in Indonesian or in English and is published regularly twice a year. The articles published are articles that have been selected so that not all submitted articles can be published in this journal. The following are points that need to be considered before submitting to this journal for publication:
- Read the Focus & Scope for an overview and assess whether your manuscript is suitable for this journal.
- The manuscript that will be sent is in accordance with the template.
- Ensure that issues of publication ethics, copyright, authorship, image formats, data formats, and references are clearly understood.
- All authors have approved the contents of the submitted manuscript.
Manuscript Preparation
Manuscript file
Manuscripts are sent in soft copy with Microsoft word format through the online system at the web address Manuscripts are typed on A4 paper with Times New Roman format, size 12 with 1 spacing with a number of pages between 8 - 12 pages. The standard format of the Agrimas Journal includes: (a) Title (b) Author Name, (c) Abstract, in English and Indonesian, (d) Keywords, (e) Introduction, (f) Method, (g) Results and discussion consisting of data tables and legend figures, (h) Conclusion (i) Acknowledgments (Optional), and (j) References. Manuscripts are written in good Indonesian or English.
Use a journal template
This Journal has provided a journal template and a guide using the template below. As for the templates that have available writing styles/designs, we recommend using versions of Microsoft Word 2010 and above to ensure that the design/writing styles work well
Download TemplateManuscript Languages
This journal accepts articles in Indonesian and in English, make sure the use of words, phrases, sentences is in accordance with the General Guidelines for Indonesian Spelling (PUEBI) and American English Grammar for articles in the English language
Article Structure
Based on the Journal template, the article structure must be sequential and contain according to the following conditions:
The title consists of a maximum of 20 words with a capital letter at the beginning of the word and font size of 14, must be short, clear, and informative to describe the contents of the manuscript. Avoid writing abbreviations, formulas, and non-standard terms in the title.
The author's name is written in full without a title, including the affiliation address and email of each author. Affiliation is written with the name of the Department followed by the name of the institution of the author. Correspondence authors use the superscript asterisk.
Abstract Maximum 250 words with Times New Roman font type, font size 10, and 1 space. The abstract contains the background, objectives, methods used, results, and discussions, as well as conclusions from community service activities that are written briefly. Avoid using abbreviations, diagrams, and references.
Keywords are made up to a maximum of 5 words in the form of a single word/phrase. Keywords are sorted alphabetically and separated by semicolons (;). Avoid using words or terms that have been included in the title as keywords.
1. Introduction
The introduction contains the background or situation analysis of the target partner of the service, the problems of the partner, and the purpose of the service. The data used uses the results of the latest research or service activities as a reference sourced from primary references such as journals, proceedings, theses, or dissertations preferably, written no more than 1000 words.
2. Method
This method is written briefly (no more than 1000 words) but is detailed enough to allow the method to be repeated or used as a reference source for other service or research activities. The parts that need to be written in the method are the place and time of implementation, the target community/partners, and the stages of implementing the activities (flow chart or chart).
Service activity procedures are written in detail with reference to the original or modified procedures published. Methods that can be used in service activities include counseling, training, diffusion of science and technology, mediation, and advocacy to the target group. Methods and specifications of equipment/materials used such as chemicals, microbial strains, plant species, mutants, etc. are written in full. Each method is written using sub-sections (sub-chapters). The use of units of the measure follows the international system of writing.
3. Results and Discussion
Describe the results and discussion of the service activities that have been carried out by being presented in the form of a theoretical description, both qualitatively and quantitatively (no more than 2000 words). The results of service activities, in general, can be in the form of increasing knowledge, skills, competitiveness, applying science and technology in society, and improving community values. In addition, it can also be in the form of a product that is shown in the form of an image complete with a description of the specifications and advantages of the product.
The reference used is the main reference with a priority of more than 80%. The results of service activities can be presented in the form of text, images, or active tables that can be edited by the editor. Figures and tables are numbered according to the order in which they are quoted in the text.
4. Conclusion
The conclusion is an answer to the objectives of the community service activities that have been carried out, as well as containing suggestions or recommendations for the next activity. Conclusions are presented briefly and clearly (with supporting data) based on the results and discussion. Can be written in paragraph or list form.
5. Acknowledgements (Optional)
Acknowledgments from the author to various parties who helped write, for example sponsors of community service activities and resource persons. Acknowledgments are optional, can be written or not.
6. References
References are prioritized to use the latest reference sources for at least the last 5 years, and 80% are from primary reference sources (Journals, Proceedings, Thesis, etc.). References are written in numerical order, following the IEEE style format. It is recommended to use a reference manager application such as Mendeley and add a DOI link or a pdf link. For more details see Complete guide to writing IEEE Style references
Publication Stages
1. Submitted Stage
Authors can send submissions online when they already have an account on this website, at this early stage notification of submissions will be immediately received by the editorial board, therefore make sure:
- The manuscripts that will be sent are in accordance with the provisions of this journal
- Complete the submission metadata on the form provided on the website
- If there are problems during the delivery process, please contact our support office
2. Pra-Review Stage
In this second stage, the manuscript submitted by the author will be processed by the editor, as for the pre-review conditions as follows:
- Editors who process the manuscripts are selected by the editorial board based on the suitability of the editorial scientific field with the script being processed
- The time required for processing is at least 2 week after the manuscript is received by the editorial board
- Some that are reviewed by the editor at this stage are:
- Does the manuscript match the focus & scope of this journal? If not, the submission will be rejected immediately
- Does the manuscript match this journal template? If not, the submission will be returned for revision by the author
- Has the manuscript passed the plagiarism check in accordance with the provisions in this journal? If not, the submission will be returned for revision by the author
- The deadline for revision at this stage is a maximum of 2 weeks, and will be rejected if it exceeds the deadline
- The editor will continue to the next stage if the above criteria have passed
3. Reviewing Stage
The quality of the publication is determined at this stage, the editor will send a request to the reviewer to review the manuscript, as for the following conditions:
- Reviewers are selected by editors based on the suitability of the scientific field, at least 2 reviewers
- Reviewers are given a deadline of 2 weeks to respond to editor requests and 4 weeks to complete the review of manuscript
- The editor together with the reviewers will review the manuscript using the single blind review method
- Some that were reviewed by peer groups at this stage are presented in full in the peer-review policy
- After the review process is complete, the editor will make a decision on the manuscript based on the recommendations from the reviewers
- If a minor revision is required: The manuscript will be returned to the author for revision with a deadline of 2 weeks, then the editor will proceed to the next stage after the manuscript is revised
- If a major revision is required: The manuscript will be returned to the author for revision with a deadline of 2 weeks, then the peer groups will review it again in the second round (back to point 3.b)
- The editor will take a decision to accepted if the above criteria have been exceeded, A notification that the article is accepted and can be published is sent along with the author's fee bill
- After the fees are paid, the editor will proceed to the next stage
4. Editing Stage
The work at this stage is mostly done by the editor. In general, at this stage the author(s) is just waiting for the article publishing schedule, a communication between author(s) and editor if needed. This work at least takes 2 weeks
- Copyediting
The editor will check each manuscript and edit it if necessary, any changes made by the editor to the manuscript will be notified to the author(s) to approve the changes. Checks that will be carried out is:
- The words uses, sentences and grammar of the manuscript
- Typing errors, and ensuring all information contained in figures, tables and graphs is clear
- Reference style, and ensuring all DOI or URL listed on the reference is searchable
- Plagiarism check is carried out in the next process, pay attention to the plagiarism policy
- Editing Layout
The editor will convert the manuscript to a PDF format file according to this journal layout template, provides page numbering, DOI, Copyright, license information, etc.
- Scheduling Publication
As an author(s), he must be wise and be able to calculate the time needed to publish his work in this journal, the manuscript that has passed the publication stage will be scheduled for publication immediately, as an illustration of how the editor schedules publication as follows:
- Each issue is published in the last week of the scheduled month (April & October) and contains 10 acticles
- The list of articles to be published in the issue at least has passed the publication stage a maximum of 1 week before the issue's publication schedule
- When the current issue publication schedule and 10 articles have been filled, the articles that have passed the publication stage will be scheduled for the next issue publication schedule.
5. Indexing Stage
This Journal is a journal with an open access policy, all articles published immediately can be read and downloaded for free to the public, therefore to increase the dissemination and visibility of publications once the article is published it will be indexed automatically, see our indexer list. Based on copyright and license policies, authors can redistribute publications in institutional repositories / social media / personal websites / other indexing engines provided that the Jurnal Manajemen Terapan Agribisnis is listed as the first publication.